Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XIV, Issue I Spring 2020 | Page 18
the National Association of Colleges and Employers
(NACE), employers often rank skills such as critical
thinking and communication—hallmarks of liberal arts
training—above technical aptitude as essential for career
“The liberal arts and general education curricula
necessarily foster the ability to grasp complex concepts,
develop broad-minded perspectives while appreciating
diverse worldviews, and the capability to address
challenges with agility and openness to ambiguity and
change. From persuasion abilities to ethical reasoning,
the liberal arts address the soft skill deficit commonly
bemoaned by employers,” said Giannet.
Recent PHSC graduate, commencement speaker and
AA degree seeking student, Hunter Karius, said, “Initially
I was working toward an Associate in Science degree
in Dental Hygiene however, my career path shifted. I’m
now pursuing an undergraduate degree in biomedical
sciences as a stepping stone to a degree in dental
medicine. I haven’t officially decided which university
AA Degree at a Glance
36 General Education*
9 credit hours in communications
6 credit hours in mathematics
6 credit hours in natural sciences
6 credit hours in humanities
6 credit hours in social and behavioral sciences
3 credit hours information literacy/technology
24 Electives**
60 Total credit hours = AA degree
Student Learning Outcomes
The College's General Education curriculum assures
breadth that cannot be found in any specific discipline.
It exposes all degree seeking students to a diversity of
disciplines. A student learning outcome is a statement
of what students should understand and be able to do
as a result of what they learned in a course or program
of study. PHSC’s general education student learning
outcomes provide the well-rounded education an AA
degree offers:
• Communications: Students will display effective
reading, writing, speaking, listening and nonverbal
communication skills.
I’ll transfer to, but I’ve narrowed my search to Nova
Southeastern University and Florida State University.”
Karius, among the 425 PHSC students who completed
their AA degree program this past fall term, “My sense is
that obtaining an Associate in Arts degree will provide a
very strong foundation for any individuals’ career goals.
The beauty of an AA degree is how versatile it is. The
degree gives those who may not necessarily know what
path they want to take the ability to explore different
factions within the college,” said Karius.
The debate may continue on the value of an AA degree;
however the numbers behind the degree remain
constant—both locally and nationally. What it comes
down to is preference in which pathway is the right fit
for the individual student. Giannet said, “Ultimately,
the lifelong exposure to the liberal arts most definitely
enhances the personal economic development of
students and the communities they serve.”
• Critical Thinking: Students will think creatively,
logically, critically and reflectively to analyze,
synthesize, use and evaluate information.
• Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning: Students will
apply scientific inquiry and quantitative reasoning to
solve problems.
• Information Literacy and Technological Fluency:
Students will demonstrate the fluent use of
technology to locate, organize, analyze and document
information from a variety
of resources.
• Cultural Literacy and Global Awareness: Students
will develop a critical understanding of the social,
behavioral, cultural, ethical, global and historical
processes that define human diversity.
* First-time-in-college students entering a Florida
College System institution in the Fall Semester 2018,
and thereafter must demonstrate competency in Civic
** If the foreign language requirement has not been met
in high school, a student may be required to complete
six semester hours (of the same language) of a foreign
language that would apply to the Electives category.