Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XIII, Issue I - Spring 2019 | Page 38
Samson Lyman
am Lyman never had any expectation
of attending college. Both of his
students overcome the same challenges
he encountered.
parents dropped out prior to
completing high school. Like many After working at UTC and a brief stint
of his LDS (Mormon) friends, Lyman as a microbiologist, Lyman enjoyed
moved away from home to attend a 15-year career with Pearson, an
Brigham Young University. Lyman’s educational publishing company.
freshman grades reflected his lack Although he loved working for
of college preparation. Feeling Pearson, Lyman’s true passion was
discouraged, he decided to put teaching. He desired to return to
his schooling on hold and work the classroom. Lyman enrolled at
to save money. He hoped to one-
day eventually complete his degree.
Visiting his father in New Port Richey
in 1980, Lyman stumbled upon PHSC and
enrolled in classes. The first in his family to
Washington State University where
he completed his teaching license. He
continued through graduate school to
earn a master’s and doctorate in education
all while raising a family with five children.
attend college, he was determined to succeed in spite
of past challenges.
Lyman enjoys teaching and has served as a Walden University
faculty member for the past 10 years. “I have the unique
“The PHSC faculty and support staff provided the environment opportunity of teaching students from around the world, including
and college survival skills I needed to be a confident and all different backgrounds,” he said. During his time at Walden,
competent college student,” Lyman said. He attended PHSC with Lyman has taught over 1,000 graduate students and mentored five
his future wife, Ann Marie Husch, who was pursuing her nursing students through their doctoral programs.
degree. They married shortly thereafter and moved to Utah where
Lyman continued his education at Brigham Young University. He He credits his achievements as an educator to the place that gave
graduated with a bachelor’s degree in microbiology in 1984 and him the opportunity to succeed. “I do not think my academic
secured his first education job at Utah Technical College (UTC), success would have been possible without the time I spent gaining
now Utah Valley State University. Experiencing the firsthand both confidence and skills at PHSC. Thanks PHSC!”
value of a small educational institution, Lyman was eager to help
PHSC Perspective