Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XII, Issue I - Spring 2018 | Page 6
hilanthropists in the community were recognized and
celebrated at the 7 th annual National Philanthropy Day ®
hosted by the Nature Coast Chapter of the Association of
Fundraising Professionals last November. The PHSC Foundation
nominated Duke Energy Foundation for Philanthropic Corporation
of the Year. Last year, the Duke Energy Foundation provided more
than $30 million in philanthropic support to address the needs of
the communities where Duke Energy employees and customers
live and work.
During the 2017-2018 academic year, the Duke Energy Foundation
First Generation STEM Scholarship made possible $39,000 in
scholarship awards to over 30 PHSC students. “With the support
of the scholarship funded by Duke Energy Foundation, I am able
to continue my path of becoming a flight nurse and help as many
people as I possibly can,” said Michael Vealey, PHSC nursing
student and scholarship recipient.
Philanthropic Corporation Nominee – Michelle Bullwinkel, PHSC;
William Shustowski, Jr., Ph.D., PHSC; Claire Cohn, PHSC; Becky
Linares, scholarship recipient; Monica Forbes; Jeff Baker; Michael
Vealey, scholarship recipient; Courtney Dominique, PHSC; and
Jennifer Lewallen, PHSC.
The Giarratanas founded Papa Joe’s Restaurant in Brooksville,
Florida in 1981. As part of their commitment to their community,
they began an annual tradition called Pasta Fest, a spaghetti
dinner to raise funds in support of local nonprofit organizations.
Over the past 26 years, this event has generated nearly $200,000,
benefitting a number of charities throughout the community.
Desiring to give back to the community even more, they also
created the Living Food Cooking Show which allowed them to
share favorite recipes while interviewing a special guest from a
local nonprofit organization.
The information shared with the
public highlighted the work of
the charity, their mission, and
needs. The Giarratanas also
Philanthropic Small Business Nominee
established the Loving Food
- William Shustowski, Jr., Ph.D., PHSC;
Culinary Scholarship as a way to
Michelle Bullwinkel, PHSC; Joe Giarratana;
assist high school students with
Donna Giarratana; Cathy Rietz; DeVon
culinary aspirations. Since 2014,
Overmeyer; Claire Cohn, PHSC; and Imani
four scholarships have been
Asukile, PHSC.
awarded through the Hernando
County Education Foundation.
Additionally, Joe and Donna Giarratana were nominated for the
Philanthropic Small Business of the Year by the PHSC Foundation.
PHSC Perspective