Pasco-Hernando State College Annual Report 2019 | Page 7


$ 1.15 Million in Scholarship Awarded

The PHSC Foundation supports many College entities and opportunities — student scholarships are the heart of our organization . Annually , the PHSC Foundation has continued to grow in scholarship funding and number of students receiving a Foundation scholarship . During the 2019-2020 academic year , $ 1,150,000 in student scholarships were awarded to nearly 1,000 students . This is the largest funding in the PHSC Foundation ’ s four decades . Many PHSC students rely on financial assistance to pursue their post-secondary educational goals . Generous individual and organizational PHSC donors are responsible for allowing this historic funding to become possible . Thank you to all who provided financial support for the PHSC Foundation to reach this historic giving opportunity .
My goal is to acquire my Associate in Science degree and a bachelor ’ s degree in nutrition . I am grateful for the scholarship to help me pay for college while I work part-time . Throughout the years , life has played out in such a way that has not made me invincible to challenges . My parents divorced , leaving my mom to raise four kids on a housekeeper ’ s wages . Our financial limitations affected our diets , health , living conditions and social engagements , but my family always found ways to be happy .
These hard times also are the reason I want to help others through a career in health and nutrition . In high school I dedicated myself to my studies so I would not have to be subjected to the stresses of poverty I had experienced , and I continue to challenge myself to enrich my relationships with others . There are many reasons to grow weary , yet for every reason to quit , there is a reason to keep going . Thank you for being a reason to keep going .
- Joanna
PHSC student scholarship recipient graduates .