to holistic learning and
eco-living. The Perelandra Centre for Nature Research in Virginia, USA, in
turn, was inspired by the
work of Findhorn, and has
gone on to develop practical processes for people
to use in working with Nature on any project from a
flower garden to a house
to a piano concerto.
Much of the guidance
that inspired Findhorn’s
co-creation with nature
came from Dorothy Maclean’s ability to communicate with the intelligence she sensed in
nature. She learned that
each tree has its own
over-lighting intelligence,
in service to a greater
whole and to the divine.
She began to take down
notes of what she heard
and sensed when she
reached out to these intelligences. The result
is the book “Call of the
Trees”, a collection of
messages from tree devas across the world inviting humans to greater
awareness of their place
within the whole.
Those who are unfamiliar
or uncomfortable with the
idea that there is an intelligence in nature that can
be listened to by humans
and that has something
worth hearing, may find
this book not right for them
at this time. But those who
resonate with this idea,
and who wish to practice
spiritual ecology, may
unseen world, there is a
tendency for the message to be framed by the
recipient’s language and
understanding. But even
if some human turns of
phrase color the messages in this book, they will still
inspire a greater sense of
wonder and reverence
for the love and intelligence of nature - something sorely needed on
the planet at this time.
Each tree has its
own overlighting intelligence,
in service to a
greater whole.
The production quality of
this book (second edition,
printed in 2007) is clearly
the labour of love of an
and is priced affordably
so as to be available to as
many people as possible.
It appears to be based
on dot matrix printing as
the print is grainy, and the
text runs into the gutters
more than it should. As
such, we would like to see
the book laid out freshly in
its next edition to give it a
better chance to stand in
the mass market as a professional looking product.
The messages within it deserve that broader reach.
find riches and inspiration
in this book, reawakening
a soul memory of deeper
interconnection with all
of life and a call to humble reconnection with the
wisdom around us.
In any work of transcribed
communication with the
Pranada Devi is a communications professional living in Toronto, Canada.
She is the Managing Editor of Parvati Magazine, and serves as an advisor
on marketing communications for Parvati’s various projects. Recently, she
edited Parvati’s new book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie”, which
has gone on to sell out its first printing run.