ing, avoiding the vulnerable yet powerful state of
openness found in a true
energy exchange.
A recent osteopathic session revealed gems of insight. Healing began with
the practitioner’s hands
on my head. I quickly realized that being overly
wilful during the previous days, faced with a
heavy project timeline,
was the source of the tension headache I brought
to the session. As a Yoga
practitioner, I practice
the release of the limited
sense of “I” or ego as the
doer, and instead, open
to the notion (much to the
ego’s displeasure) that
when in a state of expansive balance, “I” am in
service to a creative flow
that is beyond my limited
ego or will. I was being reminded of this.
Soon after, the therapist
moved her hands down
to my feet. My immediate reactive thought
was: “what are you doing down there?” Notions
that my feet were a waste
of time or dirty as com-
pared to my head came
in waves of judgmental
thoughts. I witnessed and
allowed those thoughts to
be, letting go of the potential to judge the judgment.
What followed was an
which illustrated that I
I needed to
touch down,
receive and
be received by
the Earth.
needed to touch down
and both receive and be
received by the Earth. The
earth is my mother, providing me with nourishment for my body, sweetness to fill my heart, and a
lush expanse to inspire my
spirit. What I was resisting
was taking root, on this
earth, allowing myself to
BE HERE. I knew developing that sense of beingness to be the foundation of spiritual practice. I
was now deepening my
experience of such. In resisting being here, on this
earth, at this time, I was
sabotaging the possibility
of my own state of balanced evolution.
I allowed myself to settle
in deeper. My body/being came into a broad
and deep sense of relaxation. I saw waves of colours all around me. I felt
both spiritually expansive
and rooted and vital. This
was where I need to be.
This was home.
May each one of us feel
inspired by our unique,
sacred rooting on the
Earth, in service to the
divine and to the Planet,
our Mother. May each
one of us live with respect
for each other, our brothers and sisters who walk
alongside us as we travel
the path back to the One.
Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to
being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer
and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having
studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga
teaching style called YEMTM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows,
“YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba” bring forward a conscious
energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga
Junkie” shares a candid, compassionate and inspiring story of a near death
experience and the life of a spiritual aspirant.
For more information on Parvati, please visit www.parvati.tv.