Parvati Magazine May 2014 - Feeling Alive | Page 11
if you come into contact
with one of them. People
in big cities fear meeting
such people on the subway. We don’t see them
as literal, so much as we
fear such people psychologically and energetically. But are we paying
enough attention to our
own energy and what we
might be ‘putting out’?
So, if you feel a bit ‘zombie-like’ in the morning,
ask yourself WHY? And
then determine what you
can do about it, if not out
of compassion for yourself
then out of caring for others. Do you need to get
more sleep? Change your
diet? Give up caffeine?
Give up martinis?
There are fads about
health these days and
wheat, bananas, sugar,
carbohydrates, potatoes,
tomatoes, the list goes on
and changes over time.
So too, the list of the miracle cures: brown rice, carrots, fish, goji berries, acai
berries, wheat grass. Each
fad has its proponents
and each ‘demon’ its an-
tidote. So how do we poor
humans navigate through
this jungle?
The Buddhist path gives
us a clue with its tradition
of practicing “The Middle Way”. Moderation