Parvati Magazine December 2013 - Remembrance | Page 16

NUTRITION REMEMBERING The Foods of Seasons Past NUTRITION For many of us, these kinds of traditional homemade foods represent love, comfort and warmth amongst our youth. The remembrance of certain dishes and traditional meals can evoke harmonious joyous memories, almost as if we have turned back the hands of time and were standing in these very moments of our past. Conditioning Past From Our Our nutritional instincts and desires have been conditioned by our past. Food, essentially nourishment, can become a portal for love depending on the feelings we connect with it. We often associate certain foods with love, caring and even worthiness and the reality is that the tastes of our childhood can prime us for a lifetime relationship with food. Our food experiences from the past can influence how we feel about ourselves, how we view M any of our earliest memories in life come from food. With the cool crisp breeze of fall in the air and golden hues of fiery orange and crimson red leaves sweeping the sidewalks, I have become nostalgic about past childhood memories of my fall favourite foods. Lazy summer days, lemonade and barbecues are let go to embrace roasted root vegetables, homemade soups and stews and deliciously sweet maple pumpkin pie made from scratch. Food & Early Memories I find my mind filled with memories of baking cookies in the kitchen with my Mom, learning how to roll out dough in preparation for our apple pies, chopping onions to flavour our butternut squash soup and toasting pumpkin seeds for school snacks. our bodies and even how we respect and honour our health. A Source of Self-Love Food itself can become a vehicle for our internal sense of self, value and self worth. When we associate these foods from our childhood memories to primarily represent love, we can fall into the trap of filling ourselves up with sugary sweetness and savoury salt to stimulate that same loving feeling we once felt as children. I think it is important that we indulge in our past comfort foods with moderation and know that we can access these feelings of self-love anytime we choose to and it does not have to be through food. Also, we can remember that it is not just the food itself that brings forth these assoc X]Y?Y[[?????][?H[\?[?KB?^\?Y[??H?\?Y?]??Y?\?\??H??\?\?Y?\?[[ZY\?[??H[?\??\??[??\?B??]?[?[???\\?[?H???]?[????[Y[X?\?[???\?\???]??\?]H?X\??[????[??X]?[???\??^?\???]]YH??[B???\?\?Y[?[??H[???\?]?\??H?[??\?]????\????\??H??\??B???H[??[[???\??[?\\ ?]HY[[?Y\?[???Y[[???]??YH[??]\?H?????[??[Z[?\??\??K??[???[?]H????B?\??H?[??][???Y??XX??]??X\??H?Y[?]8?&\?[\?[???Y?X??\??\?\?[?^B??X?]H??[Y[X?\?[??]??????[??[B???\?\?[??H??H?X[B?YX[???\???]?[?????Y?[????Y[[?Y\????H?\?\??\?[???[?]H???[??[?H?K?\?][????H[???\?]?\?[???\?H?[?X[??]]?B???[\??[???\??]\?B??[][??\?]???[???[?]?? ????X?]ZYH??\?????? ?? \?H?\?Y?YY?]?][?\??X?X?[???[?X?[??]?][??X?X[^?[??[??[?H[X?[[??KT?Y?\?]?HX[[??\?\??[??\?Z\??[?\??YX?]K[\??\?[?[??\?H??Y[??X[[\?[?\??]\?[H??Y?H\?H????\?YYX?[?K?[?B??[[??[??[[?[?[?[?\??[??[?[?K??X?]ZYH??\????[?\????[??[?H K[?LH?]?][?[??X?[??[???Y[??&\?X[???????Y?\??]?]H?X?X?K?0??X?]ZYH??H?H ??\??H???HX?X\?\??[?]?\??]K\?XH???H?[?[??X[??Y?x?&\????X?H?[?\?? ?X[???[?[????[H[?\?H?YX]H???HH[??]]H??\?X??]?][?????[?H[???X][???X?]ZYKX\?H?\?]????X?]ZY\??\??????K???