Party Time Magazine Party Time Magazine Issue 41 BT | Page 8

Interviewed by R2D2 “A Song Across Wires” will mark your ninth album to date and was released August 16 on Armada Music. Can you tell us about the album? Well this album represents three years of hard, diligent work and I recorded three other albums during the same time period. I wrote a lot of music over the last three years, pretty crazy! I’m extremely excited about a Song Across Wires and my fans’ reactions to it. I never genuinely wanted to make an entire album filled with solely Dance music until people starting asking for it and I started to get inspired by what other Musicians in Dance music are doing. I’m super proud of it and can’t wait for everyone to hear it. Well I already had a chance to listen to it and I gotta say it is absolutely marvelous. Where will you be touring to promote your new compilation? All over the world. India, Japan, England and a ton of things domestically. I’m super excited to get out there and do shows. Well I sure do hope to be able to catch a few of your shows, especially when you visit California.