Party Time Magazine Party Time Magazine Issue 41 BT | Page 13

lationship with her is sacrosanct. Wow, that sounds so special, good job BT. What do you enjoy doing when spending time with your kid, and who are some of her favorite DJs? We love traveling and we go around the world together and she’s an amazing diver so we do a lot of things in the water. When I played ASOT Guatemala, we went to Belize to go scuba diving. That’s one of our family hobbies. As far as favorite DJs, she rages pretty hard to Skrillex. That’s a favorite in her class, a lot of the kids in her class love Skrillex, they know every sound and drop. I think Skrillex doesn’t know how many nine-year-old fans he has (laughs). She likes a lot of Bass music and a lot of Trance, like the rest of her family. She loves ‘Sun and Moon’ by Above and Beyond. She would say I’m her favorite DJ J. It’s cute to see her discover my old music without me having to introduce her to it. She’ll find it on the internet and sing songs that I’ve never played for her. It’s awesome. Being a parent is the best thing. So you had lots of fun in Guatemala, my parents are from there and unfortunately, I missed that ASOT event L, sure regret that. Where can our readers follow you on the web? I’m planning on looking for the right vehicle to share studio stuff with. Well make sure we find out first to let our readers now. Thanks for your time, wish you and your daughter the best always. ple who are Dads in this can only see their kids every couple of months and I made the choice in the beginning that when she was born, she was the most important thing in my life and everything else has been a distance second. I wouldn’t change it for the world; my re-