Partnership Magazine - Issue No. 15 1 | 页面 2

INSIDE8 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 15 Lydia is our new CDO Partnership team triumph at charity golf day Andrew is 2013 Coach of the Year Suzy Smith wins top national volunteer award Get into Golf campaign now runs at 18 BB&O centres University students taking to playing golf Achievements of past year recognised at sixth annual Awards Night The Berks Bucks and Oxon Golf Partnership is a partnership between the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Union of Golf Clubs, PGA, Berkshire Ladies County Association, Bucks Ladies County Association and the Oxon County Ladies Association. It has a Steering Committee made up of representatives of the five partner organisations, as follows: BB&O – John Low (Chairman) David Westlake and Peter Yorke Berks Ladies – Margaret Berriman Bucks Ladies – Phillipa Cook Oxon Ladies – Jane Carter PGA – Sam Smith & John Kennedy (co-opted) Co-opted Members – Merv Foulds (finance), Ashley Rump (England Golf RDO), Andy Wright (Golf Foundation), Rajiv Patel (CDO) and Lydia Johnston (assistant CDO). The BB&O Golf Partnership Development Officer: Rajiv Patel Mobile: 07958 734 971 Email: [email protected] 2014 Junior Academy programme underway Assistant CDO: Lydia Johnston Mobile: 07584 085 159 Email: [email protected] Amy is our (delayed) Champion of Champions BB&O Golf Partnership Press Officer: Colin Gunney Email: [email protected] Mobile: 077 156 41786 Telephone: 01884-251314 Partnership is designed and produced by Colin Gunney. Free golf club membership for Feel Inspired Academy pupils Oxfordshire girls warm up for 2014 Academy season Golf South magazine supports Golf Partnership Golf South is a local golf news website for golf courses in the South of England and regularly carries the latest news about the BB&O Golf Partnership.