Left : Diane and Ron , parishioners at Trinity Episcopal Church in Anderson , IN , prepare batter for the Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner . The stainless steel countertop was installed in the parish kitchen through the CBCP project so the space can be used for more community events . Photo : Congregation .
Right : The Cathedral of St . James in South Bend , IN , has found a number of creative ways to use its property in service to its community . Volunteers wash and slice 800 pounds of strawberries for the Shortcakes on the Blacktop fundraiser . Three thousand strawberry shortcakes produced nearly $ 12,000 donated to three local charities . Photo : Congregation .
Left : Parishioners from the Cathedral of St . James build berry boxes and trellises in the cathedral garden . The Cathedral of St . James was one of several CBCP participants that found new ways to use their exterior spaces for ministry impact . Photo : Congregation .
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