Partners for Sacred Places 2020 Annual Report | Page 4

Contributing to Communities Near and Far in 2020 464

The Year in Review

Thanks to continued support from donors like you , Partners for Sacred Places ( Partners ) was able to respond to the challenges of 2020 by adapting , developing , and providing an ever-growing range of tools and services for sacred places across America . The past year has made clear how integral sacred places are to our communities as well as the nation ’ s emergency response . We are proud to have been able to support congregations at a time when they were needed most .

The following pages highlight the impact of Partners ’ programs across America . Additional information about each of these programs , and more , can be found on our website : sacredplaces . org .

Contributing to Communities Near and Far in 2020 464

The Halo Effect
Sacred Places that received direct support
Partners ’ 2016 study , The Economic Halo Effect of Sacred Places , found that the average urban congregation attracted 780 visits each week prior to COVID-19 . Eighty-nine percent of visitors came for outreach programs and events , while 11 % came for worship .
Millions of individuals benefit from the programs and events hosted by congregations that Partners served in 2020 , including vital programs for children and youth , seniors , the homeless and hungry , immigrants , ex-offenders , and others in need . Even when worship was virtual due to social distancing , most congregations kept their buildings open for community serving programs .
In 2021 , Partners will release the results of a new Halo study — the first in the nation to measure the impact of rural and small town congregations .


U . S . States & Territories where Partners strengthened historic sacred places


Views of Partners ' Publications including our Repair & Maintenance Guide , Fundraising Guide , Guide to Community Outreach and Space Sharing , Professional Alliance Directory , and Sacred Places magazine
Our Mission
Partners for Sacred Places , founded in 1989 , is the only national , nonsectarian , nonprofit organization focused on building the capacity of congregations of historic sacred places to better serve their communities as anchor institutions , nurturing transformation , and shaping vibrant , creative communities .
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