Parties Made Easy Guide Volume 2017 | Page 11

Window Cloth •  “Window Cloth is the perfect companion to the EnviroCloth TM !” •  “Use it to dry and polish surfaces to a streak-free shine after you clean them with the EnviroCloth TM ! – It’s great for polishing mirrors, glass tables, windows, chrome, taps, benchtops, and lots of other items throughout your house.” •  “You will save a lot of money every year just by reducing the need for glass cleaner and paper towels!” •  “Plus, you’re cutting back on chemicals that can harm your health and the environment.” • “Together, the Window Cloth and the EnviroCloth TM can cut your cleaning time in half!” • “You will quickly discover that you can’t have too many of the EnviroCloths or Window Cloths. So, a great way to get more of these for FREE is by hosting your own Norwex Party!” 5