Student Voice Meeting Wizard Tool
Big Picture
Intention - what is the intention or purpose of the meeting ? In other words , why have it ?
Desired outcomes - by the end of the meeting , what would you like to accomplish ?
The feels - how do we want every student councillor to be left feeling at the end of the meeting ?
Roles - what roles or responsibilities need to be in place for the meeting to run smoothly ? Who is facilitating ? Who is participating ? Who is documenting ? Who is keeping track of the time ? What do you expect of the participants , before the meeting , during the meeting and after the meeting ?
The Detail
Agenda - what activities will the group go through , in what order to move towards the desired outcome ?
Rules - what guidelines will be in place during the meeting ?
Time - including breaks , how much time is needed to achieve the desired outcome ? What time will the meeting end ?
Questions - Invite everyone to ask questions or make suggestions for changes . Once the group iis happy with the plan , begin the meeting !
Meeting Title Date
Start time End time
Intention Outcomes
The Feels
Facilitator name Documenter name Time keeper name
Prep before meeting Tasks after meeting