Parsons Brinckerhoff China Region Learning and Development e-Catalogue 2014 | Page 7

Influencing and Negotiation 101 Communication SE & PE 2 Hrs Pre-req Communication and Presentation P AGE 7 REGISTER HERE ! for class opening information C ommunic at ion with clients can at times be much more challenging than those with your colleagues, families, and friend. It is not easy to understand what they are thinking, let alone getting their buy-in for our proposals or negotiating a deal with them. Do you know your natural tendency when conflicts arise? Do you tend to compete, avoid, or compromise? More importantly, do you know your client’s preference?   What can you do in “half a second” to increase the likelihood of your stakeholders and counterparts agreeing to what you said?  Does telling someone they are “nice” or “helpful” actually makes them “nice” and “helpful”? Psychologists have been studying the tactics to influence and negotiate for decades and may Which matters most: A short-term be it’s time we can shed some gain or a long-term loss? A shortlights from their findings, e.g.: term loss or a long-term gain? A 2-hour seminar called Influencing and Negotiation 101 is designed for SE and PE in clientcontact roles, who are interested in acquiring tips to increase impact of communication with external parties. Back to CONTENT / Back to CURRICULUM This document remains the property and copyright of PB CHINA and is controlled by HR Dept.