Parsons Brinckerhoff China Region Learning and Development e-Catalogue 2014 | Page 12

Management SE & PE 12 REGISTER HERE ! 2 Hrs Pre-req Managing Across Generations P AGE for class opening information No pre-requisite W e are in a unique era where we have 3 distinctive generations collaborating in the workplace, each of them bringing to the office different expectations, work ethics, and values. How should we best motivate them without being seen as unfair? How should we best unleash their potentials to optimize performance and productivity? This workshop provides a closer look at the employees from different generations, what makes their work behavior, and thus how to best unleash their potentials, thus you can use new approaches in motivating employees from different generations to optimize team performance. Back to CONTENT / Back to CURRICULUM This document remains the property and copyright of PB CHINA and is controlled by HR Dept.