It is impossible to adopt proper legislation who should go and who may remain . That is why these lawyers were saying that the revolution was not yet over , which is understandable , but very dangerous . Why ? Rule of law and revolution are conflicting phenomena . Rule of law means that there can be emotions , justified emotions , but the authorities act strictly under the law . Even the most hated person is entitled to legal protection . Revolution is different : revolution means that there is no rule of law . Revolution means that people may provide justice of they own , there is no need to public prosecutor , no need for defence , no need to
Group discussion , Tunisian School of Politics , 14 June 2013
complicated and often lengthy legal proceeding , but justice is provided there on the spot . This happened to Muammar Kaddafi of Libya 2 years ago , this happened to Romanian dictator Ceausescu 24 years ago , and the list of killed dictators is endless . Where there is a revolution , there cannot be rule of law . Where rule of law prevails , there cannot be revolution . It is as simply as that . One may decide : OK , let us have revolution for a while , and after the revolution we switch into rule of law . It sounds good , isn ‟ t it ? Some questions still remain : - When exactly the revolution will be over ? Will there be a date when we can say that until yesterday people were entitled to take revenge in the streets , and as of today all justice is provided ? No , there will be no such a date , and revolution will remain “ permanent ” - Foe those who believe that a revolution can lead to a success , I recommend Mr . Joseph Fuché , the famous police-minister of Napoleon . I have never heard that the big French revolution was not radical enough