Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 9

(See Table B below. A discussion of the components of this cost estimate can be found in Chapter V.) It should be noted that these figures were not intended to represent a cost which would be borne entirely by Louisville and Jefferson County Governments (now Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government), but rather an estimate of the total capital expenditure. Much of the financing could come from sources outside local government structure. For example, federal funds provided for 37.5 percent of all capital expenditures on parks in Louisville between 1978 and 1993. While federal funding has continued to decline in recent years, local governments around the country are finding new ways of meeting public service commitments, often through more interactive relationships between the public and private sectors. For example, in its 26 years of existence, the Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy has raised about $30 million in private funds for renovation and restoration of Olmsted parks and parkways in Louisville. Various sources of funding and other implementation options are discussed in Chapter V of the Master Plan. If the $93 million total in capital expenditures recommended in the 1995 Plan had been spread evenly throughout the Plan’s 25-year implementation period, the annual capital cost would have equaled $3.72 million in 1995 dollars (not including any allowance for debt financing). If the $144 million in total had been spread evenly throughout the Plan’s 25-year implementation period, the annual capital cost would have been $5.76 million (again not including any allowance for debt financing). This is equal to an expenditure of only $8.53 per annum for each of the existing residents of Louisville, which would have been a sound investment in the community’s quality of life. The Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation Department capital expenditure projection for fiscal year 94/95 (based on the approved City and County budgets) equaled $5.46 million. Table B CAPITAL COSTS ESTIMATE (IN 1995 DOLLARS) Item Parkland Acquisition Existing Park Upgrades New Parkland Improvements Recreational Facilities Greenways SUBTOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Top Priority 20,000,000 20,000,000 16,800,000 12,100,000 24,000,000 92,900,000 92,900,000 Second Priority 4,000,000 0 5,600,000 9,400,000 8,000,000 27,000,000 119,900,000 Third Priority 0 0 5,600,000 10,800,000 8,000,000 24,400,000 144,300,000 Total 24,000,000 20,000,000 28,000,000 32,300,000 40,000,000 144,300,000 * Figures are rounded to nearest 100,000 Note: The subtotal indicates the sum of costs for each priority column. The cumulative total starts with the subtotal for top priority column and successively adds the subtotals for the second and third priority columns. Source: Wallace Roberts & Todd Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | SUMMARY 7