Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 7

2. A network of open spaces and greenway corridors which protects significant natural resources; 3. A parks and open space system which preserves and enhances visual quality, protects historic and archaeological resources, and provides opportunities for education; and 4. An open space network which incorporates land needed to protect public health and safety. (A series of objectives and policies which elaborated on these 1995 goals are included in Chapter IV of the Master Plan and have been updated to more closely reflect 2015 conditions). 1995 Plan Recommendations To accomplish these goals, the 1995 plan recommended that nearly 6,000 acres of greenways and regional parkland and over 2,000 acres of local parkland, distributed in areas of most need, be added to the park system over the next 25 years. The plan also recommended that a wide variety of recreational facilities be developed to meet the needs of existing and future residents of Louisville. Table A identifies 1995 and 2015 parkland acreage and recreational facilities along with additions proposed in the 1995 Plan to be achieved by the year 2020. Priority in the location and development of new parks and facilities should be given to those neighborhoods and communities most in need of public park and recreational amenities. The 1995 Plan recommended that the parks and open space system be developed as a multi-functional and interconnected system. Each park, recreation and open space area should be located, designed, and managed so as to fulfill many functions such as providing recreation, protecting natural and cultural resources, managing storm water, safeguarding health and safety in floodplains and on steep slopes, and defining an attractive open space structure that meets the park and recreational needs of residents and prepares for future urban development in Louisville. The Plan recommended that linear greenways be developed to connect parks and open space areas to each other and to surrounding neighborhoods. Trails were to be developed Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | SUMMARY 5