Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 557

VI. Citations: Altier, L. 2002. Riparian ecosystem management models: simulator for ecological processes in riparian zones. Conservation research report. No. 46. Government Document. Washington, D.C.: USDA. Accessed online; no physical copy at Parks. Correl, D.L. 2005. Principles of planning and establishment of buffer zones. Ecological Engineering. 24: 433-439. Available as PDF. Department of Conservation. 2005. Conservation Management Strategy for Auckland 1995- 2005. Government Document. Auckland, New Zealand: Department of Conservation. Physical copy of Resource Management section at Metro Parks and Recreation. Duyar, Mesude. 2003. Pond Maintenance. Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation White Paper; presented to Parks administration February 2003. Franklin, J.F. 1993. Preserving biodiversity: species, ecosystems, or landscapes? Ecological Applications. 3(2): 202-205. Available as PDF. Grace III, J.M., Rummer, B., Stokes, B.J., and Wilhoit, J. 1998. Evaluation of erosion control techniques on forest roads. Transactions of ASAE. 41(2):383-391. Available as PDF. Hairston-Strang, A. 2005. Riparian forest buffer design and maintenance. Government Document. Annapolis, MD: Maryland DNR. Accessed online; no physical copy at Parks. Ilhardt, B.L., Verry, E.S., and B.J. Palik. 2000. “Defining Riparian Areas.” Riparian Management in Forests of the continental eastern United States. Verry, E.S., Hornbeck, J.W., and C.A. Dolloff, Eds. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. International Mountain Biking Association. 2007. Available online: Louisville and Jefferson County Environmental Trust (L/JCET). 2007. Environmental Trust. Available online: Jefferson County Department of Planning and Environmental Management (JCDPEM), Division of Planning and Development Services. 1995. Jefferson County Memorial Forest Resource Management Plan. JCDPEM: Louisville, Kentucky. Knopf, F.L., Johnson, R.R., Rich, T., Samson, F.B., and Szaro, R.C. 1988. Conservation of riparian ecosystems in the United States. The Wilson Bulletin. 100(2): 272-284. Available online: Lacey, S.T. 2000. Runoff and sediment attenuation by undisturbed and lightly disturbed forest buffers. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 122: 121-138. Available as PDF. 109