Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 549

Natural Resources Assessment for Metro Parks and Recreation Employee: Date: Park: Detailed Location: Natural Resources: Forest (unfragmented) Glade/grassland ecosystem Karst (sinkholes/caves/springs/waterfalls) Native plants Other resource(s)/Notes: Anthropogenic Threats: Artifact collecting ATV/Mountain Biking/Off-road activities Hunting/Plant poaching Illicit Dumping Mowing Point-source pollution sources Natural Threats: Heavy fuel load (fire potential) Invasive species Other threat (s): Rare/threatened species Riparian areas Water bodies Runoff/Non-point pollution sources Recent flood activity (impervious surfaces) Suburban/exurban development Utility corridors Water tower Other illegal activity/threat(s): Expanding sinkholes/newly found caves Steep slopes/erodable soils 101