Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 512

H. Cox Park (52 ac.) Managed by: Operations Division Cox Park, which is located between Twin Park and Caperton Swamp, is a heavily used recreational park. However, it does have a significant riparian area along the Ohio River of nearly 3 acres. In addition, this park is within the habitat range for many rare and endangered species which would be found in the river including: the Lake Sturgeon, the Onyx Rocksnail, all mollusk species mentioned previously in the natural resource plan, Pickerel Weed, and Eelgrass. The riparian zone of Cox Park is of obvious importance and must be protected by limiting the amount of boat traffic near its shores by employing buoys in the Ohio River as well as preserving the riparian zone through a forested buffer, removal of invasive plant species, and reintroduction of native plants. i. Desired future condition The riparian woodlands should receive management for invasive plant control. Where appropriate, the woodland would be expanded. This would reduce the vast amount of mowing done at the site. ii. Goals 1. Monitor and treat woody non-native species in riparian woodlands. 2. Clean up flood deposited litter in woodlands. 3. Consider measures to protect the riverbank from overuse. iii. Standards Carry out regular monitoring and herbicide foliar treatments on invasive plant species. Carry out regular cleanup of the riparian woodlands following flood events. iv. Concerns The heavy recreation use of the park may limit expansion of woodland areas. 67