Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 496

D . Caperton Swamp ( 29 ac .) Managed by : Natural Areas Division
Caperton Swamp , located between River Rd . at the Ohio River and I-71 , is a wonderful example of what can be done to restore degraded habitats within Metro Parks and Recreation . Caperton has more than 20 acres of forest and more than eight acres of wetland . Before 2011 , the woodlands were completely overrun with thickets of invasive plants which had begun invading the early successional forest around thirty years earlier . The advanced infestation was primarily from Bush Honeysuckle and Wintercreeper . Work began in 2011 to clear the invasives from the woodlands following the prescription prepared by the Kentucky Division of Forestry ( Caperton Swamp Forest Stewardship Plan , 2008 ). Work has continued to present with follow up treatments for invasive plants and restoration with native plantings of trees and shrubs . Today the woodlands are progressing toward healthy native woodlands and the Natural Areas Division is on schedule to complete restoration planting work by the end of 2017 .
Caperton is an ideal habitat for many rare and threatened species , including the Yellow- Crowned Night-Heron , Blue-winged Teal , Hooded Merganser , King rail , Interior Least Bittern , Pied-billed Grebe , Onyx Rocksnail , Pickerel-weed , and the historic habitat of the Louisville Cave Beetle . The location is very well known among local bird watchers and nearly 200 bird species have been identified at this 29 acre location .
i . Desired future condition Complete woodland restoration planting schedule , restoring the entire woodland . Additional length could be added to the trail allowing visitors to better view the wet woodland area along the southeast corner of the property and the woodlands along northeast side of the property . A connection between Thurman Hutchins Park and Twin Park could be made along the south boundaries of each of these parks giving visitors a really nice hiking option . A floating boardwalk could be constructed across the large pond which would provide a good opportunity for nature interpretation of wetlands .
Opportunities to acquire additional properties adjacent to Caperton should be considered . A four acre woodland along Indian Hill Trail has some nice wetland pools and early successional forest . A ten acre wet woodland could be added to the southeast wetlands along I -71 . ii . Goals 1 . To protect the riparian area in the southern part of Caperton Swamp ; 2 . To remove invasive species while simultaneously fostering native plant reintroductions . 3 . Enhance the trail system for public nature experience . 4 . Acquire additional properties to enlarge Caperton Swamp for better habitat protection . iii . Standards
The permanent wetland must be protected by a buffer zone , where native vegetation is favored and mowing is prohibited . iv . Concerns Metro Parks and Recreation must remain diligent about preventing re-infestation of the woodlands until the native plantings have become well established .