Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 491

IV. Management Prescriptions All natural resource parks will be managed according to the natural resource prescriptions laid out in this document. As Metro Parks and Recreation continues its commitment to preserving and managing natural areas, detailed prescriptions for all natural resource parks listed below will be developed by building on the experience Metro Parks and Recreation is gaining from developing and implementing existing resource management plans. Listed below are general management guidelines for each natural resource park that will be taken into account during the development of specific natural resource plans. For the natural resource fragment parks, it is important to note that the heavy recreational use affects the degree to which habitat management can be accomplished. Common sense will dictate which portions of these parks habitat restoration work should be undertaken due to competing recreational activity. Parks staff should strive to carry out habitat management work in these areas including invasive plant removal and riparian buffer development as a minimum. Table 14 presents and overview of land cover, plus a breakout of hydric soil areas found within each of the parks of concern. 50