Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 49

• • Butchertown Greenway Karen Lynch Park A Master Plan for the South Fork of Beargrass Creek, prepared in 1993 by the Beargrass Creek Task Force, contains recommendations for restoring and enhancing the environmental, recreational, and educational value of this waterway. Goose Creek and Harrods Creek Goose Creek and Harrods Creek are both deeply incised streams that flow into the Ohio River in the northeastern part of Louisville. Goose Creek The Goose Creek Watershed is comprised of two sub-basins: Goose Creek and Little Goose Creek. The overall Goose Creek Watershed occupies approximately 19 square miles. About 11 percent of the Goose Creek sub-basin consists of impervious surfaces, and 18 percent of the Little Goose Creek watershed is impervious surface. The Goose Creek watershed has several stream segments on the State (303d) list for aquatic life and recreational impairment. The Kentucky Division of Water (DOW) classifies streams based upon their potential use, Hounz Lane Park such as whether they may be used for recreational purposes, whether they support aquatic life, etc. The 303d list identifies streams within Kentucky that do not meet their designated use or partially fail to meet their designated use. The Goose Creek Watershed area is currently undergoing intense development. Water and habitat quality of the streams is reduced because of erosion, silt runoff, and sedimentation from construction sites. Nutrient levels are high in this area and large nuisance populations of algae are common. The high level of nutrients can be attributed to the use of lawn chemicals, agricultural activities, and some remnant septic tank systems. The introduction of sanitary sewers and the removal of small water quality treatment centers have significantly reduced the nutrient levels in the stream, especially phosphorus. There are also sufficient Fecal Coliform bacteria violations to eliminate the stream as suitable for recreational use. About one third of all Fecal Coliform samples were in violation of recreational contact standards. Stream analyses indicate moderate levels of impact. Goose Creek has many areas with good quality instream habitat. Measures need to be taken to protect the habitat quality in the 42 III. CONTEXT AND COMMUNITY INVENTORY | October 2016 Update