Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 43

The almost entirely impervious area of downtown Louisville, Portland and west Louisville currently discharges surface water to the Ohio River after treatment in MSD’s Morris Foreman Water Quality Treatment Center (MFWQTC) in West Louisville. For all practical purposes, this part of the Ohio River watershed area is void of any streams. Most sewers within the Ohio River watershed are combined sewers. During low or moderate flow, the water from these sewers is treated at the Morris Forman plant. When rain events occur, these combined sewers discharge to the Ohio River, through Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) without treatment. MSD is under an EPA Consent Decree to significantly reduce the number of overflows into the river by the year 2024.The state lists the Ohio River as an impaired stream for recreational uses including both swimming and fishing. Fish have been shown to contain both PCBs and Chlordane. (State of the Streams, 2014 Water Quality Synthesis Report, MSD².) According to the Kentucky Rivers Assessment³, the Ohio River is a Class 1 Botanical Resource and a Class 3 Fish Resource. A number of studies have been completed or are underway to guide development and investment in the Ohio River Valley. As part of the Cornerstone 2020 planning effort, the 1996 Ohio River Corridor Master Plan addressed land use, environmental resource protection, and recreation lands and facilities within the Ohio River Corridor. Subsequent studies include the River Road Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan prepared in 2010 by Metro Public Works and another study underway at this time the Ohio River Valley Northeast Louisville Loop Master Plan. The Louisville Greenways – South Points Plan, addressing potential path and trail connections in the southwestern part of Louisville including in the Ohio River Valley, was completed in 2013. Numerous public parks and open spaces are found along the Ohio River corridor including (from northeast to southwest): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 36 Hays Kennedy Park Six Mile Island Nature Preserve Caperton Swamp Natural Reserve Carrie Gaulbert Cox Park Twin Park Eva Bandman Park Champions Park Waterfront Park Riverfront Belvedere Falls of the Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area Portland Wharf Park Lannan Park Shawnee Park and Golf Course Chickasaw Park III. CONTEXT AND COMMUNITY INVENTORY | October 2016 Update