Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 278

RECREATION PER RESIDENT BY CITY Most recently reported fiscal year Spending by Primary Park Agency Spending by All Other Park Agencies This chart depicts the relative share of spending by the city’s primary park agency versus all other park-owning agencies within the city. The brown portion of each bar represents the spending of the city’s primary park agency. The green portion represents the spending by the rest of the city’s park-owning agencies. Total spending includes both operating and capital spending of all park agencies in the city, but excludes professional stadiums, zoos, museums, aquariums, and cemeteries. If a city has more than one agency, expenditures are combined. Italics indicate cities whose spending is estimated based on past-year information. For a more detailed listing of fiscal year data by city, visit *Boston, Cincinnati, New Orleans, and Washington, D.C., have two primary city park agencies. CITY PARK FACTS :: THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND 19