Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 243

Metro Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment Survey 2016 Background and Overview Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation’s Community Relations Division administered a Needs Assessment/Satisfaction Survey to help determine priorities of developing services for the community. With a new strategic plan and leadership, it was determined that a general survey would act as a good “first step” in gauging the satisfaction level of park users. As such, survey objectives were established that sought to understand residents’: • Awareness of park, recreation, and facilities • Use of such facilities • Satisfaction with such facilities • Willingness to donate to Parks Foundation • Demographics, including age, gender, race and zip code Methodology The 2016 survey was administered electronically through the Survey Monkey online data collection tool. Citizens were engaged through press, social media and email notices. No hard copies were made available. People were asked to complete a series of nineteen questions ranging from general satisfaction of park facilities to usage. Data was collected for two weeks, between February 16 and March 1, 2016. A total of 941 people responded. General Finding More than half of the people surveyed did not frequent other parks facilities (Community Centers, Historic Homes) outside of the parks themselves. Parks are mostly used for p hysical exercise and have a 94% approval rating overall. Our lowest attended facilities (according to respondents) are the community centers. Demographics show, most respondents reside in the Highlands, Crescent Hill, and Iroquois/Beechmont neighborhoods; which impacts why the parks and amenities in those areas received the most recognition. 182 APPENDIX E: METRO PARKS AND RECREATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY 2016 | October 2016 Update