Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 222

cleared and planted with cash crops such as and more acreage in the surrounding area w reversed in recent decades as the amount of decreased due to urban and suburban develo
The remaining agricultural lands are provide productive and economic benefits , a Figure IV . C . 1 : Farmlands in Jefferson County ) and Development Services ( DPDS ) completed that time , Louisville ’ s remaining farmland wa with a significant amount also found in the G north . Although the rich soils of the Ohio Riv ( a generalized land use map derived from 19 predominant use in the lower segment of the few active farms remain in the valley today . A agricultural base in the county will become in and problems of incompatibility with adjacen Several existing programs are availab Kentucky ’ s Agricultural District Act , counties participating farmers are eligible for lower pr 2015 there were six certified districts with 25 within Louisville ’ s boundaries . This number d Districts are not permanent and landowners including developing their property ¹ ⁰ . Nearly advantage of a state law allowing for prefere property as farmland lowers its value , resulti
A study prepared by Louisville Metro the center of a thriving local food economy t Recommendations included supporting and g agriculture , farm-to-table partnerships , food tourism . Many of these efforts have gained c such as the Urban Bourbon Trail to help Loui partnership of city residents with farmers .
Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | III