Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 216

APPENDIX B: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN Table B CAPITAL COSTS ESTIMATE (IN 1995 DOLLARS) Item Parkland Acquisition Existing Park Upgrades New Parkland Improvements Recreational Facilities Greenways SUBTOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL Top Priority 20,000,000 20,000,000 16,800,000 12,100,000 24,000,000 92,900,000 92,900,000 Second Priority 4,000,000 0 5,600,000 9,400,000 8,000,000 27,000,000 119,900,000 Third Priority 0 0 5,600,000 10,800,000 8,000,000 24,400,000 144,300,000 Total 24,000,000 20,000,000 28,000,000 32,300,000 40,000,000 144,300,000 * Figures are rounded to nearest 100,000 Note: The subtota