Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 189

Private Ownership and Maintenance Some jurisdictions rely in part on private homeowners associations for maintaining selected parks or open space areas. Delegating maintenance and programming responsibilities to local community groups could reduce the overall cost burden on the LMPRD and shift certain costs to the residents who most directly benefit from a particular facility. However, this approach can result in problems in terms of consistent and adequate maintenance standards and exclusion of the general public. Where homeowners groups consistently default in their obligations, the parks agency may end up having to reassume responsibility for maintenance. Coordination with Other Agencies and Organizations It should be recognized that many agencies will directly or indirectly influence the implementation of the parks and open space master plan. Close coordination and cooperation with these agencies will play an important role in facilitating implementation of the plan. Most directly, the Planning Commission’s role in integrating the parks and open space concept into the Cornerstone 2020 Comprehensive Plan will be vital. Similarly, many of the opportunities to secure open space without the expenditure of public funds rest with the Planning Commission and its ability to regulate new development. In addition to coordinating with the Planning Commission, MSD, and other Louisville Metro Government departments, the LMPRD will need to interact with state and federal agencies, nonprofit groups such as Future Fund, Inc. and Riverfields, and the many user and community groups which not only use the parks system, but can also play a role in its improvement and maintenance. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 168 Kentucky Department of Local Government, Kentucky Recreation and Park Society, Municipal and County Recreation Services Study for Fiscal Year 1993-1994, April 1994. American Institute for Leisure Resources, Metro Parks Management Study for the City of Louisville, Kentucky, 1990 Louisville and Jefferson County Planning Commission, Directions: A Handbook of Planning Involvement, November 1990 See: Tools for the Greenbelt. Pub.: Greenbelt Alliance, San Francisco, CA 1985 Environmental Law Institute, Wetland Mitigation Banking, 1993, Appendix VII. IMPLEMENTATION | October 2016 Update