Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 181

For any given parcel on which a development proposal is submitted , the County would require a plan indicating those areas not to be developed for compliance with federal , state , or local regulatory requirements . The remaining acreage would be the “ net developable acreage .” A percentage of the net developable acreage would then be required by local ordinance to be set aside as open space . The number of units permitted to be developed on the parcel would be calculated for the net developable acreage according to the underlying zoning , but would all be built outside of the dedicated open space area .
One problem with this approach is that the dedicated open space secured from some parcels would not contribute to the overall open space network . In order to overcome this problem a mechanism would be required to transfer the required open space set aside area from parcels not suitable for open space preservation to areas with more critical open space attributes . One such approach would be to implement a transfer of development rights program ( see below ).
If Louisville / Jefferson County were to develop any open space dedication requirements , consideration should be given to including a credit for the provision of private recreational open space such as golf courses .
Transfer of Development Rights
A transfer of development rights ( TDR ) program allows local government to redistribute development away from areas which are deemed to have value as open space to “ receiver ” sites which are chosen on the basis of their ability to accommodate additional units of development beyond those allowed by the underlying zoning . ⁴ A landowner is allowed to sell development “ credits ” assigned to his or her land by local government . These credits may be purchased by a developer in an area where the government is willing to permit higher densities of development than would otherwise be allowed .
Open Space Zoning
The degree to which the County zoning code and map are in conformity with and support the parks and open space goals and objectives is of importance in implementing the parks and open space master plan . Zoning existing parks and open space areas ( as opposed to vacant properties ) as open space will serve to protect such areas against conversion to other uses .
Scenic Road Regulations
An ordinance regulating development on lands along designated scenic roadways could help preserve visual quality and linear open space along the roadways . The Louisville and Jefferson County Planning Commission has in place policies for future development along 13 designated parkways to protect visual quality . Expanded scenic road regulations including setback requirements , limitations on clearing of natural vegetation , and landscaping for provisions could help to maintain visual buffers along scenic roadways , for example in the Floyds Fork area .
164 VII . IMPLEMENTATION | October 2016 Update