Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 177

Administrative Services costs should have been anticipated. By applying this 15 percent to the recommended $950,000 annual expenditure for the existing system, an estimated increase of $142,000 (in 1995 dollars) was calculated to allow for the future parks and open space expansion. B. Implementation Options Undertaking the land acquisition and improvements program, and providing the funds to adequately operate and maintain the parks system would have required Louisville to adopt new strategies and techniques. The 1995 Plan discusses a broad variety of potential implementation measures, including financial, regulatory and other approaches as outlined below. F INANCE AND R EVENUE G ENERATION : • Bond issues • Park and open space district • Benefit assessment districts • Taxes • Tax increment financing • Commercial uses and lease revenues • Facility user fee revenues • Grants D EVELOPMENT C ONTROLS AND R EGULATIONS : • Park dedication and/or in-lieu fees • Clustering • Sensitive lands regulations • Open space dedications • Transfer of development rights • Open space zoning • Scenic road and parkway designations • Wetland mitigation banking O THER I MPLEMENTATION O PPORTUNITIES : • Non-profit organizations and land trusts • Conservation easements • Tax title and owners unknown parcels • Land exchanges • Service clubs and volunteers • Private ownership and maintenance • Coordination with other agencies and organizations 156 VII. IMPLEMENTATION | October 2016 Update