Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 155

continue to be provided free of charge as a basic public service. However, more specialized facilities would be offered only where a partial or full operational cost recovery through user fees could be achieved. Clearly, it will never be possible for Louisville to meet every interest groups’ recreational demands. Chapter IV of this Master Plan provided a discussion of community needs for the more common types of recreational facilities. The following is a summary of the “Needs Analysis” recommendations of the 1995 Plan and the 2016 status of those recommendations is added in bold and underline typeface: • Playgrounds: Develop additional playgrounds to meet identified deficiencies at the neighborhood level, using opportunities for joint use with groups such as Jefferson County Public Schools wherever appropriate. Develop a minimum of six new playgrounds in the short term. Although several new playgrounds have been added to the system since 1995, the primary focus has been renovation of existing playgrounds to meet ADA and safety requirements. In addition, eight new interactive spraygrounds have been added to existing playgrounds • Outdoor basketball: Gradually phase in add