Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 153

• Other facilities : Chapter IV contains a series of recommendations addressing other recreational facilities and uses such as walking / jogging paths , hiking trails , bicycle paths , recreational boating , fishing , group camping , and natural areas . New walking and biking facilities have been added at a number of parks including Creason and Seneca Parks and the Louisville Loop .
The 1995 Plan stated that LMPRD would generally seek to distribute recreational facilities according to specific community needs . Certain facilities may need to be evenly distributed throughout Louisville , while others such as sports fields may be best provided as multiple facilities concentrated in fewer locations . Appendix A in the 1995 Plan includes a series of maps showing the 1995 distribution throughout Louisville of recreational facilities under the jurisdiction of the LMPRD . Also included are a series of Facility Deficiency Tables which correlate facility standards , 2020 population projections , and the inventory of existing facilities for each of the park planning service areas , thereby identifying areas of surplus and / or deficiency . These maps and tables should be used to help plan the facilities to be provided in individual park developments . Because the parks and recreational facilities inventory was entered into Louisville ’ s computer mapping system ( the LOJIC geographic information system ), these maps and tables were intended to be easily updated on a periodic basis to monitor progress and modify facility development priorities .
Multi-Sports Complex
While most of the future facilities were recommended to be distributed in various parks throughout Louisville , it was recommended that serious consideration be given to the development of a major new multi-sports complex and community center at a convenient central location within Louisville . While a careful siting study should be undertaken as a part of an evaluation of the feasibility of this recommendation , a “ common sense ” location would be in the vicinity of the intersection of I-65 and the Gene Snyder Freeway to the south of the airport . This location has two obvious advantages . First , it would be readily accessible from most parts of Louisville . In addition , it should be possible to identify a site in this general vicinity where intensive recreational use , with its attendant night lighting and noise , would not negatively impact any adjacent residential areas .
The 1995 Plan suggested that such a facility might include a major new indoor recreation complex including swimming and diving pools , ice arena , indoor tennis , a gymnasium , an indoor walking track , racquetball and squash courts , and even revenue generating leisure uses such as bowling . Outdoor facilities might include multiple soccer and softball / baseball fields and tennis courts . This recommendation has not been implemented .
136 V . THE PLAN | October 2016 Update