Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 15

B . Cornerstone 2020 Comprehensive Plan
“ Cornerstone 2020 ” is a comprehensive plan developed for Louisville and Jefferson County that was adopted in 2000 . It provided a community vision and direction for physical and economic development over a 25-year span . In addition to the City of Louisville and Jefferson County , the planning process involved and directly affected several dozen other municipalities and numerous other institutions and organizations .
Within the Cornerstone 2020 Comprehensive Plan program there were a number of other studies and planning efforts which were integrated with the Parks and Open Space Master Plan :
The use of Community Form Districts that defined the broad overall form of development in Louisville , addressing the pattern of urban , suburban and rural land uses ;
A Multi-Objective Stream Corridor / Greenway Plan that defined a system of interconnected corridors of open space serving a variety of functions including stormwater management , recreation , bicycle and pedestrian circulation , and habitat conservation ;
A Livability component of the Cornerstone 2020 Plan that provided a composite of the goals , objectives , policies , strategies and programs contained in the greenways , parks and open space , and related environmental and cultural resources issues ;
The Mobility component that defined the approach to transportation and circulation in Louisville ;
A number of area specific plans were prepared , including the Ohio River Corridor Master Plan and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation Plan , which defined a comprehensive , coordinated bicycle and pedestrian system for Louisville .
C . Louisville Metro Comprehensive Plan 2040
As required by Kentucky Revised Statute Chapter 100 , Louisville is beginning its next major comprehensive plan , called Louisville Metro Comprehensive Plan . A comprehensive plan establishes a framework to guide public and private decisions about future growth , preservation and changes within a local government . Louisville and Jefferson County adopted its current comprehensive plan , known as Cornerstone 2020 , on June 15 , 2000 . Cornerstone 2020 , which has a planning timeframe of 2000 to 2020 , provides the framework for Louisville and Jefferson County ’ s land development regulations and policies ( including the Land Development Code ).
Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | I . INTRODUCTION 13