Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 147

Policy 3.4.4 The LMPRD will support the urban/community forestry program through its Forestry Division. Goal 4: Public Health and Safety An open space network which incorporates land needed to protect public health and safety. Objective 4.1 Manage floodplain areas and areas needed for stormwater management to minimize water and flood damage and preserve open space. Policy 4.1.1 The LMPRD will coordinate with MSD and the Army Corps of Engineers to implement a land acquisition program for designated floodplain and stormwater management areas. Policy 4.1.2 The LMPRD will use the presence of floodplain as a criterion in prioritizing land for acquisition as public open space and conservation easements. Objective 4.2 Protect steep slope areas to minimize property damage and public costs resulting from inappropriate development. Policy 4.2.1 The LMPRD will, to the extent possible, respect natural landforms and protect vegetation in steep slope areas, floodplains, wetlands and other sensitive areas in the parks and open space system. Policy 4.2.2 The LMPRD will use the presence of sensitive natural areas as a criterion in prioritizing land for acquisition as public space and conservation easements. Goal 5: Design and Management A parks and open space system which is designed and managed to fulfill standards of excellence for appearance, durability, and safety, to sustain environmental resources and processes, and to facilitate affordable maintenance. Objective 5.1 Encourage appropriate public involvement in park planning, design, and management. Policy 5.1.1 The LMPRD will continue to involve the public in park planning and design projects through workshops and other means. 126 V. THE PLAN | October 2016 Update