Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 137

Policy 1.1.1 The LMPRD will adopt and periodically update ( in coordination with the Louisville ’ s Comprehensive Plan and the Planning Commission regarding issues which may impact development and land use regulation ) a Parks and Open Space Master Plan which includes the following classification system and standards to be used to set targets for future acquisition of parkland :
Park Classification System
Neighborhoods – Small ( typically less than 20 acres ) parks serving a nearby neighborhood or neighborhoods .
Community – Medium-sized ( typically 20 to 100 acres ) parks serving several surrounding neighborhoods .
Major Urban – Large ( typically 100 to 1,000 acres ) serving a substantial region of the City .
Regional – A large ( over 1,000 acres ), predominantly natural reserve serving the entire metropolitan area .
Parkland Acreage Standards
Neighborhood , Community , and Major Urban – Provide 10 acres of neighborhood , community , and major urban parkland combined per 1,000 residents of Louisville .
Regional – Provide 15 acres of regional parkland per 1,000 residents of Louisville and Jefferson County .
Policy 1.1.2 The LMPRD will use suitability for active recreational use and location with respect to population and existing recreational facilities as criteria in prioritizing land for acquisition as public parkland . Particular emphasis will be placed on addressing “ at-risk ” communities which are underserved or which have special need for access to public recreational amenities .
Policy 1.1.3 The LMPRD will adopt and annually update a capital improvements program which sets priorities for public investment in parks and recreational facilities for subsequent years one to five . The program will be used as a guide for phased implementation of the parks and open space system identified by the adopted Parks and Open Space Master Plan .
120 V . THE PLAN | October 2016 Update