Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 111

Aquatics 1995 Provisions • LMPRD managed 15 pools, including six at school sites and one indoor aquatics center. • One pool, located at E.P. “Tom” Sawyer State Park, was operated by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. • At least six quasi-public pools were provided by organizations such as the YMCA and churches. • Thirteen pools were located at private swim clubs. Norton Pool at Camp Zachary Taylor Park 1995 Distribution • Most of the swimming pools under LMPRD jurisdiction were located in Service Area A (Louisville). • Service Area G (west central Louisville) had the next highest number of LMPRD pools (five). Three of the pools were located in the northeast corner of the service area within the former City of Louisville while two were located in the southwest corner. • The remaining service areas had few pools under LMPRD jurisdiction. The area of the Jefferson Memorial Forest (Service Area F) had two pools, while eastern Jefferson County had only one public pool located in Service Area C. It should be noted that E.P. Tom Sawyer State Park, located in the northeastern part of the County in Service Area C, did and still does provide a major public outdoor pool complex. Recommended Standard • One swimming pool per 40,000 population. Estimated 1995 Deficiency • There was a deficiency of one pool countywide based on the recommended standard. Projected 2020 Deficiency • Three additional pools under LMPRD jurisdiction would be required to provide a total of 18 swimming pools in accordance with the recommended standard. 1995 Recommended Actions • Short-term: Given the current poor condition of some LMPRD pools, it was recommended that adequate monies be invested in the short term to ensure that existing facilities are maintained in a safe and useful condition. 90 IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS | October 2016 Update