Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 110

Football 1995 Provision • The LMPRD managed 10 football fields. • Thirty fields at Jefferson County Public Schools were open to the public at any time (6) or open to the public on a limited basis (24). 1995 Distribution NFL Punt, Pass, and Kick at Louisville Champions Park • Most of the football fields under LMPRD jurisdiction were located in Service Area A (Louisville), with seven fields located mainly west of 7 th Street Road and north of Algonquin Parkway. • The remaining service areas had few LMPRD football fields (two in Service Area C, one in Service Area F, and none in Service Areas B, D, E, and G). Recommended Standard • One football field per 50,000 population. Estimated 1995 Deficiency • Four additional fields under LMPRD jurisdiction would be required to provide a total of 14 football fields in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by Jefferson County Public Schools. Projected 2020 Deficiency • Five additional fields under LMPRD jurisdiction (the 1995 deficiency of four plus one more) would be required to provide a total of 15 football fields in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by Jefferson County Public Schools. 1995 Recommended Actions • LMPRD should place a low priority on the development of new football fields unless new evidence merges that there is a real demand for fields beyond those currently available at parks, public schools, and other educational institutions. 2016 Status • As discussed in the section on soccer, LMPRD manages 135 multi-purpose fields that are used for various field sports including football. • See Figure A.7 in Appendix A for distribution of multi-purpose fields. Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS 89