Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 109

1995 Provision
• The LMPRD managed four 9-hole and five 18-hole golf courses . Nine holes were being added to the course at Sun Valley Park which brought the total number to the equivalent of seven 18-hole courses .
• The 27-hole Quail Chase course at McNeely Park is operated privately but was open for public to play .
• There were a number of private courses at country clubs throughout Louisville .
1995 Distribution
• In 1995 , golf courses were scattered at various locations throughout Louisville , with the highest number ( four ) located within the Urban Services Boundary ( former City of Louisville ).
1995 Recommended Standard
• One 18-hole course per 75,000 population .
Estimated 1995 Deficiency
• Following construction of the Sun Valley Park course , 1 ½ additional 18-hole courses under LMPRD jurisdiction would be required to provide a total of nine golf courses in accordance with the recommended standard .
Projected 2020 Deficiency
• Two and one-half additional 18-hole courses under LMPRD jurisdiction ( the 1995 deficiency of 1 ½ plus one more ) would be required to provide a total of ten golf courses in accordance with the recommended standard .
Cherokee Golf Course
1995 Recommended Actions
• Short-term : The LMPRD should continue to monitor its green fees and concession terms to ensure optimum revenue generation .
• Mid- and long-term : Additional golf courses should be developed only if revenue projections indicate a minimum of 100 percent cost coverage ( including annual operating costs and retirement of capital cost over time ). Based on the recommended standard , a maximum of 2 ½ courses should be developed on public parkland . Such courses could be developed and managed by private operators assuming that lease agreements favorable to the County can be negotiated . The demand for a public driving range and family golf center including indoor and outdoor facilities for teaching and