Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 108

Projected 2020 Deficiency • Twenty-four additional courts under LMPRD jurisdiction (the 1995 deficiency of 21 plus three more) would be required to provide a total of 48 volleyball courts in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by other providers. 1995 Recommended Actions • In 1995 there appeared to be little evident pressure in the community for an increase in the number of public volleyball courts as much of the demand was being met by other public, quasi-public, or private providers. However, interest in volleyball was increasing, and it was anticipated that demand for public courts may increase in the future. Thus it was recommended that the LMPRD monitor community use levels to determine if construction of new public courts to meet the recommended standards became warranted, or whether the demand was being effectively met through the private sector. • It was anticipated that some new public courts would be built within new parks in areas of Louisville which experienced new residential development. 2016 Status • The LMPRD manages 18 volleyball courts. • This number does not include any private volleyball facilities such as are provided by some churches and private groups. • See Figure A.6 in Appendix A for distribution. Soccer 1995 Provision • The LMPRD managed 44 soccer fields. • Nine soccer fields were located at public park and open space areas not under the jurisdiction of the LMPRD. • Twenty-five soccer fields at Jefferson County Public Schools were open to the public at any time (13) or open to the public on a limited basis (12). 1995 Distribution • In 1995 soccer fields under the jurisdiction of the LMPRD were mostly located in central and eastern Louisville (Service Areas A, B, C, and D). The greatest number of LMPRD soccer fields (13) were located in Service Area C while Areas A, B, and D had seven soccer fields under LMPRD jurisdiction. • The south central and western portions of Louisville (Service Areas E, F, and G) had relatively few cover fields under LMPRD jurisdiction (three to four in each area). Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS 87