Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 107

interest group contributing financially, rather than allowing independent maintenance agreements. 3. The LMPRD should negotiate with the Jefferson County Public Schools for joint use of ball fields for more informal use. 2016 Status • The LMPRD manages 70 ball fields. (33 baseball and 37 softball.) • This number does not reflect the number of ball fields on private property and used for private groups such as churches and youth groups (e.g., Beechmont and Germantown). • See Figure A.5 in Appendix A for distribution. Volleyball 1995 Provision • The LMPRD managed 24 volleyball courts. • Three volleyball courts at Jefferson County Public Schools were open to the public at any time (two) or open to the public on a limited basis (one). • At least nine quasi-public courts (seven at church and two at YMCA facilities) were maintained by private organizations. • A number of courts were maintained by private businesses. Volleyball at Cyril Allgeier Community Center 1995 Distribution • Of the 24 LMPRD volleyball courts, 15 were located within Service Area A (Urban Services Boundary and former city of Louisville), with the largest concentration downtown. • The remaining service areas had very few LMPRD volleyball courts, ranging from four in Service Area C to zero for Service Areas B and E. Recommended Standard • One volleyball court per 15,000 population. Estimated 1995 Deficiency • Twenty-one additional courts under LMPRD jurisdiction would be required to provide a total of 45 volleyball courts in accordance with the recommended standard. This deficiency does not take into account facilities managed by other providers (e.g., churches). 86 IV. PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILITY NEEDS ANALYSIS | October 2016 Update