Parkman News Parkman Newsletter 090823 | Page 3

9 / 8 / 23 - Physical Therapist appreciation day 9 / 12 / 23 - PTO Meeting on ZOOM 6:00PM-7:00PM ( details below ) 9 / 18 / 23 - Instrumental music rental at JFK , 6:30-7:30PM 9 / 19 / 23 - IT appreciation day 9 / 26 / 23 - PTO Panera Fundraiser ( see details below ) 9 / 27 / 23 - Early release day , dismissal at 1:35PM 9 / 27 / 23 - PTO Welcome back picnic 5:00-6:00PM ( see details below ) 9 / 27 / 23 - Open House begins at 6:00PM ( see details below ) 10 / 2 / 23 - Custodian appreciation day 10 / 9 / 23 - Columbus Day / No school 10 / 10 / 23 - Staff professional learning / No school 10 / 19 / 23 - PTO D ' Angelo Fundraiser ( details below ) 10 / 25 / 23 - Early release day , dismissal at 1:35PM 10 / 26 / 23 - Lifetouch Picture Day 10 / 27 / 23 - Occupational Therapist Appreciation Day

Welcome Back Picnic 9 / 27 / 23 5:00-6:00PM

Pack a picnic dinner and join us near the playground for fun time with friends .

Open House 9 / 27 / 23 6:00-7:30PM

Join us on : Wednesday , September 27th at 6:00-7:30PM
The focus of this evening will be on ways that families and staff can work together to help our children achieve success and feel con dent and excited about themselves as learners .
In addition to visiting your child ’ s classroom , we invite you to :
Schedule your teacher conference held in November while you ' re here Meet our specialist teachers Meet our PTO Sign up to volunteer Tour the school
Parkman Open House Night Schedule
6:00 – 6:10 Staff and Families start in the gymnasium to meet our staff and our PTO Leadership 6:10 – 6:35 Session 1 : Families will visit classrooms and meet with grade level teachers 6:40 – 7:00 Session 2 : This is a chance for Families with more than one child , to meet with another classroom teacher or complete the building scavenger hunt .