Parkman News Parkman Newsletter 080923 | Page 9

Important information about Edgar H . Parkman School

School Hours 8:40 AM – 3:06 PM Doors Open : 8:25 AM
School will start at 8:40 AM and students may get to school any time AFTER 8:25 AM . There will be many teachers supervising the rst day to help students nd classrooms .
Most of our students will be coming to school on a bus ; but walkers can arrive at the main entrance and those arriving by car can be dropped off on the curb , by the gymnasium after 8:25 AM . If families arrive to school before 8:25 AM , parents must wait with students until the doors open . This is very important to do because staff are not supervising until this time .
For safety reasons , no children are allowed unescorted in the parking lot before or after school .
Student Pick-Up : At the end of the school day ( 3:06 PM ), if students get picked up from school , a parent must pick them up from the side exterior door ( near handicap parking ). All parents must park their car , come up to the door to pick students up and then escort students to the car . For safety , there is no curbside pick-up at dismissal .
On the rst day of school , parents are welcome to wish students well outside at the main entrance . Then students will come into school to start the day and begin learning all about important routines . Parkman teachers are so excited to see our Panthers and get to know them !
We serve hot lunch on the rst day of school ; the menu is on the EPS website . Families may send lunch money into school or use the MySchoolBucks program . Visit https :// www . myschoolbucks . com for more information .
In the morning , all of our students have a snack and water bottle ( please do not bring glass containers ).
Parents should call the main o ce to report any absences throughout the year at 860-253- 6571 .
If there are changes to dismissal routines , parents should call the main o the impacted day so we can plan for the change . ce by 2:00PM of

Elementary School Handbook
