2 . Students must be free of fever without any fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school . Have not had vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours prior to returning to school . 3 . Students with a contagious disease must meet the following criteria before readmission to school : Conjunctivitis ( pink eye ) - Pre-K to Grade 5 students need to be on medication for 24 hours and show proof of medication . Chicken Pox- out of school until all pox are scabbed over . Lice- students need to report to the nurse ’ s o ce to show proof of treatment and be checked to be sure there are no active lice . Impetigo- lesion must be dry . Ringworm- over the counter medication may be used and the area must be covered . Scabies- may return with proof of and after 8 hours of treatment . Strep throat / scarlet fever- on medication for a minimum of 24 hours . Medication A Medication Authorization Form * https :// tinyurl . com / 5n79zvau is required each time any medication is to be administered in school . This form is required by the State of Connecticut and the En eld Board of Education , should your child require medication during the school day . State statute requires that medications must be brought in by a parent or other responsible adult ( over the age of 18 ). Prescription medication must be in the original container labeled by the pharmacy . Over the counter medication must be in an unopened original container . Medical Update Form Please complete the green Medical Update Form as soon as possible after receiving it on the rst day of school and return it to the school nurse . Healthy Meals & Snacks It is our goal that students develop healthy eating habits . Please be sure your child has a nutritious breakfast before the start of the school day and provide them with a healthy lunch / snack and a re llable water bottle , so they will have energy for learning and activities . Food Allergies The safety of our students with food allergies is a priority . For this reason , we have non-food celebrations for students whose birthdays are during the school year . Please check with your child ’ s classroom teacher . Elementary School Recess Fresh air and exercise are important for good health all year round . Sneakers are recommended for school as they are the most comfortable and safe for running , playground and sport activities . Please help your child to come prepared to be outside in all seasons . A coat , hat , mittens / gloves do a lot to make this time more enjoyable for your child during the late fall and winter months . Emergency Contacts Please reports any changes is contact numbers , so we can be sure to reach you or another designated caregiver in the event of an illness or emergency .
Please contact the school nurse , Mrs . Netherwood , at 860-253-6572 or at nnetherwood @ en eldschools . org with health related questions .