Key Takeaways
Genetics and Parkinson’s
Clinical Research
Genetic research is immensely important to our pursuit of
a Parkinson’s cure. Studies need people with and without
Parkinson’s genetic mutations to help us learn what
may cause this disease and how we may stop it. Before
participating in genetic research, though, thoroughly think
through the benefits and risks, and talk to a genetic counselor
and study team to get answers to all of your questions.
+ + Genetic research volunteers can
help us uncover the many unknowns
about Parkinson’s. Much of our
core knowledge about the underlying
biology of Parkinson’s disease (PD)
comes from studying genetics.
Participating in genetic research
can help scientists illuminate more
about disease causes and develop
treatments to slow or stop it. There are
opportunities for all type of volunteers
— people both with and without PD,
as well as those with and without PD-
linked genetic mutations.
+ + The future of Parkinson’s treatment
may be precision medicine — led by
genetics. In the future, doctors may
prescribe treatments based on one’s
genetics rather than one’s symptoms
(as they do now for people with certain
cancers). Drug makers are currently
testing therapies that may slow PD
progression in people with genetic
types of PD.
+ + Learning your genetic status is a
personal decision; genetic counselors
can help you navigate this choice.
Some people may not want to learn
their Parkinson’s genetic status because
we don’t yet have therapies to slow
or stop disease progression and this
knowledge does not impact PD care.
Others may want to know so they can
participate in specific research studies.
Before undergoing genetic testing,
talk to your family and perhaps also a
genetic counselor. Counselors can help
you weigh the pros and cons and give
practical advice and assistance.
+ + Laws protect from you from genetic
discrimination by your employer
or insurance provider. In the United
States, the Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act provides
protections from, for example, being
fired from a job or having insurance
premiums raised. Other countries may
have similar laws. Before learning your
status — through a research study or
other means — look closely into the
potential impact and speak with a
genetic counselor.
Chapter 3 — Genetics and Parkinson’s Research