Parking Enforcer Provider User's Guide Volume 3 Revision 3 June 2014 | Page 16

Parking Enforcer Standard Vehicle Removal Agreement NOTE:    This  i s  created  if  Standard  Vehicle  Removal   Agreement  is  selected  on  the  Client/Property  Invitation   TE LA Standard Vehicle Removal Agreement CLIENT/PROPERTY   Logo   P M TE CLIENT/PROPERTY NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE NUMBER STANDART Date of Authorization: Month, DD, YYYY VEHICLE REMOVAL AGREEMENT This authorization is valid for: Authorization Term This document is a general agreement authorizing SUBSCRIBER/PROVIDER to remove vehicles from the property located at CLIENT/PROPERTY ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, Willows II Apartments ZIP. 2024 Park Springs Blvd Ofc We hereby authorize SUBSCRIBER/PROVIDER to monitor and/or patrol the parking 76013 Arlington, Texas, facility FREQUENCY to issue warnings, ticket, or immediately remove vehicles in 817-555-5555 accordance with the following parking rules. RD T A N ND ME E TA EE PL S R M AG XA E Date of Authorization: May, 30, 2014 Include info from Violation and Notification listed in Client/Property Signup This authorization is valid for: UNTIL EITHER PARTY CANCELS Violation Violation 1 CRITICAL VIOLATIONS This document is Enforcement Notification Before a general agreement that authorizes XYZ Towing Service to remove vehicles from the Action property locatedHours Number of at Willows II Apartments 2024 ParkDisable Blvd Ofc, Arlington, Texas, 76013. Remove or Springs Violation Violation 1 We hereby authorize XYZ Towing Service to monitor and/or patrol the parking facility EVERY TWO STANDARD VIOLATIONS WEEKS to issue warnings, ticket, Notification Before Enforcement or immediately remove vehicles in accordance with the following parking Action rules. Number of Hours Remove or Disable CRITICAL VIOLATIONS Violation Notification Before Enforcement This agreement is valid from DATE BLOCKING FIRE HYDRANT (Date of Agreement + OF AGREEMENT through IMMEDIATE Term of Agreement) = Month, DD, YYYY. WITHIN 15FT) (PARKED BLOCKING PROPERTY IMMEDIATE REMOVE IMMEDIATE REMOVE I herby certify that I am the owner of the above OR EXIT property or an authorized ENTRANCE referenced agent. PARKING IN FIRE LANE Signature  from  eSIGN  Standard  Vehicle  Removal   Agreement  signature  on  Client/Property  Setup   STANDARD VIOLATIONS Signed ______________________________________ Owner or Authorized Agent (From Monitoring/Enforcement Policies Client/Property Setup) Before Enforcement Violation Notification Owner or Authorized Agent Title (From Monitoring/Enforcement Policies Client/Property Setup) ABANDONED VEHICLE 24HR DOUBLE PARKED 24HR EXPIRED PARKING PERMIT 24HR EXPIRED TAGS 24HR HANDICAP 24HR INOPERABLE VEHICLE 24HR NO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 24HR NO PARKING PERMIT 24HR NO TAGS 24HR PARKING IN FRONT OF DUMPSTER USER’S GUIDE Action REMOVE 24HR 16 Action REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE REMOVE