Parking Enforcer Provider User's Guide Volume 3 Revision 3 June 2014 | Page 13

Parking Enforcer Invitation Module Contract and Agreement Selection Parking Enforcer’s exclusive Contract module gives you the ability to configure, generate, and store agreements and authorizations. Our Patented process transmits ready-made and custom contracts to approve and sign electronically. Select and configure contracts in the invitation module. If selected, the property is required to approve and apply their electronic signature during the setup process. After the property completes the setup process, signed contracts are emailed and copies stored that are accessable from your control panel where they can be viewed, emailed, or printed anytime. Select Contracts and Agreements IN ED IA H IR N T QU FORY WI REALI PL 8 C OM 265 C C2 TO V IN ED IA H IR N T QU FORY WI REALI PL 8 C OM 265 C C2 TO V General Authorization to Tow Critical Violations Standard Vehicle Removal Agreement Signature Required at Time of Removal IC ON E TR R EC ATU EL GN SI 13 PROVIDER